DaVinci IQ Zirconia Mouthpiece with Gasket

Designed for ultimate discretion in mind, the IQ mouthpiece is also made of 100% zirconia ceramic which has the same pure flavour and smooth taste when you use glass but only 20 times more durable. Pick up an extra mouthpiece today and always have a clean mouthpiece waiting.



Spare Zirconia Mouthpiece with gasket for the DaVinci IQ Vaporizer. Zirconia is a ceramic material that is as clean and pure tasting as glass but which also happens to be 20 x more durable.

Buy a spare mouthpiece and then you've always got a nice clean one handy. Mouthpieces on vaporizers tend to collect condensed vapour which becomes a sticky build-up over time requiring a good clean. With a spare one to hand you don't have to wait for a vape!